Diamond Characteristics
There are several factors that affect the appearance and cost of a diamond. These factors affect the cost of the diamond based on its rarity. The more rare the combination of characteristics, the more the cost. The staff at Yardley Jewelers can work with you to help you find a diamond that suits your needs and budget. Being a brick and mortar store, we are here to do more than just sell you a loose diamond; we offer you personalized service. We can build a custom mounting for your stone, set it in an existing mounting, clean and maintain your jewelry, and offer one on one expertise to help you make decisions on your purchase. Our honesty, serice, and expertise are what have kept us in business since 1976. Read through this page to learn more about diamonds, or stop in. We can show you gemstones we have in inventory, or if we don’t have what you are looking for in stock, we can work with our suppliers to get a stone that meets your specifications.
Ideal Cut
Proper proportions reflect the most light possible and can be identified by an even distribution of light and dark areas.
Deep Cut
Light is lost through the sides because the diamond is too deep; the result is a dark spot in the center.
Shallow Cut
Light is lost through the bottom because it is too flat; the result is a dull gray ring just inside the table edge.
Color Grading Scale
The color grading scale ranges from totally colorless to light yellow, brown, or gray. The differences between one grade and another are subtle.
Fine quality diamonds are in the “D-J” range in color with “D” grade diamonds being truly colorless. “E” and “F” grades have minute or difficult-to-detect color, usually only discernible by an expert gemologist. “G-J” graded diamonds have slight color that is usually only noticeable when compared next to a more colorless diamond; diamonds in this range are an excellent value. “K” and below diamonds have noticeable color and are of poor color quality.
Diamonds, more than any other gemstone, have the capability of producing the maximum amount of brilliancy. And a diamond that is virtually free of interior inclusions or exterior blemishes (commonly called flaws) is one of the highest quality, since nothing interferes with the passage of light through it. To determine a diamond’s clarity, it is viewed under a 10x-power binocular microscope by a trained eye, not a jeweler’s loupe. Minute inclusions neither mar its beauty nor endanger its durability. However, the clearer the diamond, the rarer the diamond; thus, the more valuable it is.
F - Flawless: No blemishes or inclusions when examined by a skilled grader under 10X magnification.
IF - Internally Flawless: No inclusions when examined by a skilled grader, and only insignificant blemishes under 10X magnification.
VVS1-VVS2 - Very Very Slightly Included: Contain minute inclusions that are difficult for even a skilled grader to locate under 10X magnification. VVSI: Extremely difficult to see, visible only from the pavilion or small and shallow enough to be removed by minor repolishing. VVS2: Very difficult to see.
VS1-VS2 - Very Slightly Included: Contain minor inclusions ranging from difficult (VS1) to somewhat easy (VS2) for a trained grader to see under 10X magnification.
SI1-SI2 - Slightly Included: Contain noticeable inclusions which are easy (SI1) or very easy (SI2) to see under 10X magnification. In some SIs, inclusions can be seen with the unaided eye.
I1-I2-I3 - Included: Contain inclusions which are obvious to a trained grader under 10X magnification, can often be easily seen face-up with the unaided eye, seriously affect the stone’s potential durability, or are so numerous they affect transparency and brilliance.
This is the weight of the diamond measured in carats, not the size in millimeters. One carat is divided into 100 points so that a diamond of 50 points weighs 0.50 carats, or 1/2 ct. Size is the most obvious factor in determining the value of a diamond, but two diamonds of equal size can have very unequal values depending on the other qualities. When diamonds are mined, large gems are discovered much less frequently than small ones. This makes large diamonds more rare and, hence, more valuable. Diamond prices increase exponentially with carat weight. So, a one carat diamond of a given quality is worth more than two 1/2 carat diamonds of the same quality.
Notice, pictured above, that a diamond that is twice the weight is not twice the diameter. This is because the depth of the diamond also increases with an increase in weight.
Before purchasing a new loose diamond, you may want to review a copy of its certificate as proof that it has undergone an unbiased, professional examination. A diamond certificate is a report created by a gemological laboratory. The diamond is evaluated, measured, and scrutinized using trained eyes, a microscope and other industry tools. A completed certificate includes an analysis of the diamond’s dimensions, clarity, color, polish, symmetry, and other characteristics. Many round diamonds will also include a cut grade on the report.
Yardley Jewelers’ diamonds are certified by either the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the American Gem Society Laboratories (AGS). These two laboratories are among the most respected laboratories in the diamond industry and are known for their consistency as well as their unbiased diamond grading systems.
Have a Yearly Professional Inspection/ Cleaning
You can stop in our store and have your diamond cleaned at no charge while you wait. If you can’t make it in for a professional to check and clean it, you can do it yourself; however, we recommend a professional yearly checkup to make sure your diamond is secure, and the mounting is not worn and in need of any repair.
How to Clean Your Diamond Ring
To clean the diamond yourself, you will need a mild detergent (e.g., liquid dishwasher soap), a toothbrush, and warm water. You can soak the ring first, if you’d like, to help loosen the hairspray, hand lotion, and grime that may have accumulated on the bottom of the diamond. Then use the toothbrush to lightly scrub the stone, being sure to focus on the bottom of the diamond. Do not use any harsh cleaners, especially those that contain bleach as the chlorine can damage the mounting.